Blog Music Theory

Music Theory


Hello Music Learners,

Whilst we take our Christmas break I wanted to point you in the direction of a useful app. to help you with your music theory. It is called Music Tutor with a red, purple and blue treble clef as its logo and it's a free app you can get on your phone etc.

It's a fun way to learn the notes on the stave and then I will test you in January! 

Remember that you don't need to sing whole songs to be doing your singing practice. It can some days be humming, breathing exercises to increase lung capacity, learning notes, writing songs, stretching, tongue twisters or a simple lip trill! It all helps and the beauty of the singing voice is that it is ready to go and simply needs tweaking here and there.

There is a festive file here for you which I can add to if you want me to. Not all songs are about Christmas at this time of year, some are simply winter songs and I welcome any introduction to winter songs you know of . 

Make a musical plan for yourself to share with me in January. Rest, enjoy your favourite foods and company and go gentlly into the new year.


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